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7.0  The Path towards Strengthened Safeguards: Verification Challenges of the 90's

Conversations with Jacques Baute, Rich Hooper, and
Dmitri Perricos

     Vienna, Austria · December 2009


7.1 Introduction (7:30) 

Subtopics:  History, development of safeguards

7.2 Issue Background; The Creation of Programme 93+2 (4:55) 

Subtopics:  SAGSI, Development of safeguards, Additional Protocol

7.3 Experiences in Iraq, South Africa and DPRK (4:26) 

Subtopics:  History, Key nonproliferation challenges, Tuwaitha nuclear facility

7.4 Iraq (5:01) 

Subtopics:  Iraqi Inspections

7.5 First UNSCR 687 inspection in Iraq (11:35) 

Subtopics:  Iraqi Nuclear complex, Inadequate access to information

7.6 2nd Inspection in Iraq (1:42) 

Subtopics:  Calutrons

7.7 3rd Inspection in Iraq (2:16) 

Subtopics:  Iraqi Nuclear Complex, Enrichment, Expanded declarations of information

7.8 Contrasting IAEA Action Team Inspections in Iraq with Safeguards (9:37) 

Subtopics:  Development of Additional Safeguards, Access to information, Monitoring and Verification, Correctness vs. Completeness

7.9 Implementing Verification under UNSCR 687 (6:29) 

Subtopics:  Expansion of verification to include completeness, nondiversion, undeclared activities

7.10 Importance of 3rd Party Information in Iraq (4:40) 

Subtopics:  National technical means, Iraqi Weapons Development Document

7.11 Verifying Iraq’s Declaration (4:59) 

Subtopics:  Environmental Sampling, Verification of completeness

7.12 Access to Individuals (11:40) 

Subtopics:  Iraqi Weapons Complex, Expanded access to individuals for verification

7.13 Handling Massive Volumes of Information (4:09) 

Subtopics:  Data analysis, Need for integrated information system

7.14 Satellite Imagery (6:05) 

Subtopics:  Advantages of Satellite Imagery, Verification of completeness

7.15 Iraq and Illicit Procurement (7:53) 

Subtopics:  Export controls, 3rd party participation

7.16 Drawing Conclusions (3:35) 

Subtopics:  Development of the “Coherent Picture,” Ongoing Monitoring and Verification

7.17 DPRK (8:23) 

Subtopics:  Advanced technical capability of IAEA, Special inspections

7.18 Hexapartite Safeguards for Enrichment Plants (2:36) 

Subtopics:  Negotiating Access

7.19 DPRK (1:25) 

Subtopics:  Special inspections

7.20 South Africa (25:07) 

Subtopics:  Verifying South African disarmament, Completeness vs. Correctness, Inventory accountancy, Constructing a nuclear history, importance of transparency

7.21 Estimating HEU Production in South Africa (4:35) 

Subtopics:  Cooperation, Enrichment,

7.22 Leading to Strengthened Safeguards, Part 1 (5:55) 

Subtopics:  Estimation of production

7.23 Information Credibility (20:43) 

Subtopics:  Programme 93+2, Environmental Sampling, Rights to information

7.24 Leading to Strengthened Safeguards, Part 2 (9:58) 

Subtopics:  Strengthening safeguards

7.25 Programme 93 + 2 (2:24) 

Subtopics:  Strengthening safeguards

7.26 Concluding remarks (30:27) 

Subtopics:  Transparency, Completeness, Material accountancy, Environmental Sampling, Special inspections, Additional Protocol

Video transcripts in text form are in Document Library

Foundations of International Safeguards

Prepared by PNNL

For the:

National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)

With Support from:

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)